
Complete final project by tracking your progress

Complete your final project, tracking your progress:

1.)what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

Task that have been completed are :

1.Resembling the cnc machine

2.making the stepper driver work

3. making the axis move.

Task that remain are to make the cnc work with octoprint by using a raspberry pi as a gateway.

2.)what has worked? what hasn't?

What has worked is:

1.The stepper drivers

2.Making the axis of the machine move.

3.)what questions need to be resolved?

No questions need to resolved.

4.)what will happen when?

After the Fab academy i will make the CNC work with octoprint so it willbe more easy tou se

5.)what have you learned?

What i learned is:

1.How to work with a shopbot

2.Testing electronics

3.Testing stepper motors

4.More about electronic components

5.Most of all i learned more about programming python